Website Data Processing Agreement

EarthTV PTY LTD is a subsidiary of earthTV network GmbH with headquarters in Germany, this website is managed and operated by earthTV network GmbH for EarthTV PTY LTD. We produce content and process data in the Europe and for this reason commit to all legal standards of the European Union for operating websites such the one you are viewing and as described below.

Website Data Processor Agreement by and between


– hereinafter also: “CONTROLLER” –


earthTV network GmbH

– hereinafter also: “PROCESSOR” –

1. Preamble

The parties have entered into the Cooperation and Licensing Agreement (hereinafter: “AGREEMENT”). The parties enter into the following Data Processing Agreement (hereinafter: “DPA”) in order to specify the rights and obligations resulting from and in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: “GDPR”), and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG). In the event the data processing for the purpose of the AGREEMENT of the parties constitutes a joint control (Art. 26 GDPR) the parties shall enter into an additional AGREEMENT on such joint controllership.

2. Scope

2.1 This AGREEMENT applies to the collection, processing and deletion (hereinafter: “CONTRACT PROCESSING”) of all personal data under GDPR (hereinafter: “DATA” or “PERSONAL DATA”) which are the subject of the AGREEMENT and/or which are processed by the PROCESSOR respectively in the course of its implementation on behalf of the CONTROLLER. The subject and duration of the processing and the scope, nature and purpose of the envisaged processing of DATA shall be determined by the AGREEMENT as well as this DPA.

Type of processingstorage, disclosure by transmission, use of DATA
Type of PERSONAL DATAonline usage data (IP address), contact data, pictures/videos with PERSONAL DATA
Categories of data subjectsonline users, employees, persons passing by the cameras
Purposes of Data ProcessingFulfilling the obligations and services under the AGREEMENT, marketing and quality assurance or as further reasonably instructed by CONTROLLER

2.2 PROCESSOR shall process DATA on behalf of CONTROLLER. Such CONTRACT PROCESSING shall include all activities detailed in the AGREEMENT. Within the scope of this DPA, CONTROLLER shall be solely responsible for compliance with its obligations under the applicable statutory requirements on data protection, including, but not limited to, the lawful disclosure and transfer of DATA by CONTROLLER to PROCESSOR.

2.3 CONTROLLER’s individual instructions on CONTRACT PROCESSING of PERSONAL DATA shall, initially, be as detailed in the AGREEMENT. CONTROLLER shall, subsequently, be entitled to, in writing or in a machine-readable format (in text form), modify, amend or replace such individual instructions on CONTRACT PROCESSING of PERSONAL DATA by issuing such instructions to the point of contact designated by PROCESSOR.

3. PROCESSOR‘s Obligations

3.1 Except where expressly permitted by Article 28 para. (3) lit. (a) GDPR, PROCESSOR shall process data subjects’ DATA only within the scope of the AGREEMENT and the instructions issued by CONTROLLER. Where PROCESSOR believes that an instruction would be in breach of applicable law, PROCESSOR shall notify CONTROLLER of such belief without undue delay. PROCESSOR shall be entitled to suspend performance on such instruction until CONTROLLER confirms or modifies such instruction.

3.2 PROCESSOR shall, within PROCESSOR’s scope of responsibility, organize PROCESSOR’s internal organization so it satisfies the specific requirements of data protection. PROCESSOR shall implement technical and organizational measures to ensure the adequate protection of CONTROLLER’s DATA, which measures shall fulfil the requirements of the GDPR and specifically its Article 32. PROCESSOR shall implement technical and organizational measures and safeguards that ensure ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services and shall implement a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing. CONTROLLER is familiar with these technical and organizational measures, and it shall be CONTROLLER’s responsibility that such measures ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk. PROCESSOR shall provide details of the implemented technical and organizational measures at CONTROLLER’s reasonable request.

3.3 PROCESSOR reserves the right to modify the measures and safeguards implemented, provided, however, that the level of security shall not be less protective than initially agreed upon.

3.4 PROCESSOR shall support CONTROLLER, insofar as is agreed upon by the parties, and where possible for PROCESSOR, in fulfilling data subjects’ requests and claims, as detailed in chapter III of the GDPR and in fulfilling the obligations enumerated in Articles 32 to 36 GDPR.

3.5 PROCESSOR shall ensure that all employees involved in CONTRACT PROCESSING of CONTROLLER’s DATA and other such persons as may be involved in CONTRACT PROCESSING within PROCESSOR’s scope of responsibility shall only do so within the scope of the instructions. Furthermore, PROCESSOR shall ensure that any person entitled to process DATA on behalf of CONTROLLER has undertaken a commitment to confidentiality under terms similar to the confidentiality terms of the AGREEMENT. All such confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of such CONTRACT PROCESSING.

3.6 PROCESSOR shall notify CONTROLLER without undue delay if PROCESSOR becomes aware of any DATA breaches within PROCESSOR’s scope of responsibility.

3.7 PROCESSOR shall implement the measures necessary for securing DATA and for mitigating potential negative consequences for the data subject; the PROCESSOR shall coordinate such efforts with CONTROLLER without undue delay.

3.8 Each party shall notify respective the other party the point of contact for any issues related to data protection arising out of or in connection with the AGREEMENT. 

3.9 PROCESSOR shall correct or erase DATA if so instructed by CONTROLLER and where covered by the scope of the instructions permissible. Where an erasure, consistent with data protection requirements, or a corresponding restriction of processing is impossible, PROCESSOR shall, based on CONTROLLER’s instructions, and unless agreed upon differently in the AGREEMENT, destroy, in compliance with data protection requirements, all carrier media and other material or return the same to CONTROLLER.

3.10 In specific cases designated by the CONTROLLER, such DATA shall be stored or handed over. The Processor shall be entitled to associated cost within reasonable amounts for doing so and protective measures to put in place, unless agreed upon otherwise in writing.

3.11 PROCESSOR shall, upon termination of CONTRACT PROCESSING and upon CONTROLLER’s instruction, return all DATA, carrier media and other materials to CONTROLLER or delete the same.

3.12 Where a data subject asserts any claims against CONTROLLER in accordance with Art. 82 GDPR, PROCESSOR shall support CONTROLLER in defending against such claims.

4. CONTROLLER’s Obligations

4.1 CONTROLLER shall notify PROCESSOR without undue delay, and comprehensively, of any defect or irregularity with regard to provisions on data protection detected by CONTROLLER in the results of PROCESSOR’s work.

4.2 Section 2.12 above shall apply mutatis mutandis, to claims asserted by data subjects against PROCESSOR in accordance with Article 82 GDPR.

4.3 CONTROLLER shall notify the PROCESSOR the point of contact for any issues related to data protection arising out of or in connection with the AGREEMENT.

5. Enquiries by DATA Subjects

5.1 Where a data subject asserts claims for rectification, erasure or access against PROCESSOR,  and where  PROCESSOR is able to correlate the data subject to CONTROLLER,  based on  the information  provided  by the  data  subject,  PROCESSOR  shall refer such data subject to CONTROLLER. PROCESSOR shall forward the data subject’s claim to CONTROLLER without undue delay. PROCESSOR shall support CONTROLLER, where possible, and based upon CONTROLLER’s instruction insofar as agreed upon. PROCESSOR shall not be liable in cases where CONTROLLER fails to respond to the data subject’s request completely, correctly, or in a timely manner.

6. Options for Documentation

6.1 PROCESSOR shall document and prove to CONTROLLER PROCESSOR’s compliance with the obligations agreed upon in this DPA by appropriate measures.

6.2 Where, in individual cases, audits and inspections by CONTROLLER or an auditor appointed by CONTROLLER are necessary, such audits and inspections will be conducted upon prior notice during regular business hours, and without interfering with PROCESSOR’s operations. PROCESSOR may also determine that such audits and inspections are subject to prior notice and the execution of a confidentiality undertaking protecting the data of other customers and the confidentiality of the technical and organizational measures and safeguards implemented. PROCESSOR shall be entitled to reject auditors that are competitors of PROCESSOR. CONTROLLER hereby consents to the appointment of an independent external auditor by PROCESSOR, provided that PROCESSOR provides a copy of the audit report to CONTROLLER.

6.3 PROCESSOR shall be entitled to request from CONTROLLER a reimbursement of reasonable costs for its support in conducting inspections, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the parties. PROCESSOR shall endeavor to limit its time and effort for such inspections to one day per calendar year, unless agreed upon otherwise.

6.4 Where a data protection or other applicable supervisory authority conducts an inspection, section 5.2 above shall apply mutatis mutandis. The execution of a confidentiality undertaking shall not be required if such supervisory authority is subject to professional or statutory confidentiality obligations whose breach is sanctionable under the applicable criminal code.

7. Subprocessors

7.1 CONTROLLER hereby consents to PROCESSOR’s use of the subcontractors listed in PROCESSOR’s Privacy Policy in connection with the performance of the AGREEMENT.

7.2 PROCESSOR shall, prior to the use of further subcontractors, obtain CONTROLLER’s prior approval. PROCESSOR will provide CONTROLLER with information on further subcontractors at least in text form (for example via email or the user account). CONTROLLER may object to PROCESSOR’s use of a new subcontractor by notifying promptly in writing within 2 weeks after receipt of PROCESSOR’s notice in accordance with the prior sentence, whereas such objection shall not burden PROCESSOR in an unreasonable way (with a reasonable rejection constituting in important reasons related to compliance with EU General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) and any applicable laws and acts for the protection of PERSONAL DATA. 

7.3 Where PROCESSOR commissions subcontractors, PROCESSOR shall be responsible for ensuring that PROCESSOR’s obligations on data protection resulting from the AGREEMENT and this DPA are valid and binding upon subcontractors.

7.4 PROCESSOR will only transfer PERSONAL DATA outside the European Economic Area where PROCESSOR has complied with its obligations under applicable data protection laws in ensuring adequate safeguards in relation to such transfer.


8.1 Where  the  DATA  becomes  subject  to  search and seizure, an attachment order, confiscation during bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, or similar events or measures by third parties while  in PROCESSOR’s control,  PROCESSOR  shall  notify CONTROLLER of such action without undue delay. PROCESSOR shall, without undue delay, notify to all pertinent parties in such action, that any data affected thereby is in CONTROLLER’s sole property and area of responsibility, that data is at CONTROLLER’s sole disposition, and that CONTROLLER is the responsible body in the sense of the GDPR.

8.2 In case of any conflict, the data protection regulations of this DPA shall take precedence over the regulations of the AGREEMENT. Where individual regulations of this DPA are invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the other regulations of this DPA shall not be affected.

8.3 This DPA is subject to the laws of Germany and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Berlin/Germany courts for any disputes arising out of or in connection with this DPA.

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